
6 Game Reviews

1 w/ Responses

Game File UI: The process of saving game files could be streamlined. Consider reducing the number of clicks required. Perhaps automatically save to the selected file without needing an additional confirmation click.

Game Start Issue: There seems to be an issue with starting the game from the file select screen. Right-clicking to start doesn't align with the intended control scheme. It might be helpful to review and adjust the controls for a more intuitive start.
Character Speed Inconsistency: There's a noticeable difference in character speed when using mouse clicks versus keyboard controls. If this is intentional, it might be worth clarifying for players. If not, it could be a bug to address.

Post-Introduction Guidance: While the emphasis on exploration is appreciated, some players might benefit from subtle guidance after the introduction. Consider adding gentle hints or cues to help orient new players.

Early Game Balance: The current setup, where players might face an imp with only 1 HP, feels a bit unbalanced. Consider providing some initial health and basic weapons to give players a fair chance in early encounters.

Overall, The Pit shows potential. These adjustments to the user interface, controls, and early game balance could significantly enhance the player experience. Looking forward to seeing how the game develops!

ArlucGames responds:

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!
I usually play with Keyboard rather than the mouse so I appreciate the feedback on how it plays. I haven't altered the controls from the defaults provided by RPGmaker so I'll have to look into it.
I am working on the gentle hints as an introduction. I want them to fit in with the game world and feel less like a straight up tutorial.
There is always a chest at the start with a weapon for the player, but again a subtle hint on a first playthrough could be added. The mend wounds skill is usable in combat but perhaps I'll add a soulslike flask that has limited uses and can only be used outside of combat.
Thank you again for the great feedback and for playing. I hope to put together a polished demo next so please follow for updates!

Good game

First off, this is a well done game with classic controls. There are no major things I'd like to criticise except for the zombies eating bodies on the ground, you will not get any combo bonuses from theese.

The start was pretty nice, very unoriginal but well done. The concept is very overused and zombies is not something we haven't seen before. Althou the overall conclusion of the game is great, the voice acting, the civilians, the zombies, the military, it still feels like something is missing. This does not affect the game bad in any way but for me, it feels like the final touch is missing.

The whole team effort was, from experiencing only the game, felt complete. I have nothing else to say about the team than you guys did an awesome job putting this together.

The car feeling was really great, even thou it seems like your car has 4 wheels linked to the steering. Upgrading, expanding and progressing while looking at your veichle turning into a monster was purely perfect.

I congratulate you people for making a great game and I hope to see more from you in the future.


%u25B2 %u25B2

Good game

128/128, you could've made the last parts more tricky, especially when you're making your way to the fountain. Otherwise it was a really good time consuming game and fun to play. Good music too but I bet if you get stuck somewhere you're going to grow tired of it. Nice work!


This is crap!

Play this with a hangover and you'll truly prove the fact that there is no god.


Gets incredibly hard if you manage to survive for long. Pretty cool game, could've been done better.

Age 32, Male


Joined on 9/26/09

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